If I visit a field office, what will I be doing there?


Going to a field office to volunteer with the Bend the Arc GOTV program is a fantastic way to have a huge impact on the election. Every state’s field offices are in need of volunteers to go out and talk to voters about the upcoming election, let them know where their polling places are, help them envision their plan to vote and make sure they know where their polling location is!

When you get to the field office, you’ll be greeted by an organizer who will train you in canvassing best practices and can give you tips and additional information about the specific turf you’ll be canvassing. There will hopefully be a chance to meet up with fellow Bend the Arc volunteers. Once you are trained and have your turf on a clipboard or uploaded onto your Mini-Van app, you’ll be ready to set off and have key conversations about voting. When your shift is over, you’ll have a chance to debrief how it went with the regional organizer, and then you can participate in a region-wide Bend the Arc debrief call.

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