Book of Life Day of Action in NYC

Join us for a national day of action inspired by the start of the Jewish new year — a time when Jews ask to be written into the Book of Life for another year.

On September 29 at 8:30am in front of Trump Tower we will gather to respond to Trump’s hate by creating our own Book of Life for America.

At the event, we will draw, paint, paste photos, write quotes and create our own representation of the Book of Life celebrating all of those in our lives who are at risk in this climate of Trump’s hateful ideology.

We will affirm that all Americans — immigrants, Muslim Americans, Black Americans, women, and communities of color — have a right to live free of the threat of political violence that Donald Trump and his politics of hate have unleashed. We will take a moment to celebrate the inclusion of all of these threatened groups in American society — and inscribe all of us into the Book of Life.

Sign up now. Together we can create an America that stands firm as a tolerant, safe place — an America pursuing the principles of inclusion, equity, and democracy.

September 29, 2016 at 8:30am
Sidewalk in front of Trump Tower
725 5th Ave New York, NY 10022 United States
Lauren Goldman · · 212-213-2113
Jess Applebaum Taylor Cohen Shoshannah Brombacher Shachar Cohen-Hodos Aliza Lifshitz Sangsuk Sylvia Kang Cory Fischer Hadar Cohen Josh David Leslie Bergson Leora Troper Rachel Feldman Megan Pamela Ruth Madison Rachel Ackoff Ariel Naveh Naomi Adland Mil Dranoff McGuire Lambert Kayla Glick Becca Litt Solomon Hoffman Rebecca Krevat Sara Beinert Adina Alpert Jack Gorman Jack Gorman Arlene Geiger Jeffrey Henigson Megan Madison Elise Teitelbaum Jerry Goodman Eileen Pollack Jamie Beran Patricia Dabagian-Paul Robin Kellner Friedman Gabriella Feingold Adina Alpert Ava Shapiro robin nelson Martha Ackelsberg Cecilia Zeichner Nicole Auerbach Elaine Friedland Robert Napuli Judith Tuller

Will you come?