Let My People GOTV - Bus from Mountain View (full)

Let My People GOTV in Reno!

Canvass in Reno with dozens of other progressive Jews who want to make a difference in this election. We’ll provide transportation from Mountain View on a comfortable bus, lodging, and some meals. When we get to the field office, our partner at America Votes will provide training and strategic talking points before we head out in pairs to speak with voters at their doors.

Elections in swing states are often won or lost on who turns out to vote — and in-person contact with voters is the most effective way to get them to the polls. We will be going door to door ensuring that voters know their polling locations and hours, and encouraging them to vote in early voting.

Car parking: Overnight parking is not available at the Mountain View Caltrain Station. Please plan to park close by, arrive on foot, be dropped off, or arrive by other transportation.

Bus information: Travel time from Mountain View to Reno is approximately 3.5 hours. Each bus will be equipped with wireless internet, bathroom, and will be inclusive for all including people with disabilities.

Accommodations: We will be providing overnight accommodations in double-occupancy hotel rooms for participants on the bus. Participants will be asked to self-select roommates on the bus. If you require a single room, please contact the organizer listed below by Oct. 25.

Meals: When possible we will arrange to eat together, and will make sure there are breaks for meals with restaurant options nearby, but you should plan to pay for your own meals. We will provide some snacks and water for the long rides on the bus.

What to pack: Pack for a 2 day, one night trip. Please bring:

  • Comfortable clothes for two days of activity and sneakers for walking door to door
  • A water bottle, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, anything else you need for a full day outdoors
  • A backpack or tote bag to bring while canvassing
  • Extra socks, sleepwear, and warm clothes (it may be cool at night or you may be in air-conditioned places)
  • Snacks
  • Chutzpah!

Visit our FAQs for more information.

October 30, 2016 at 7:00am - October 31, 2016 at 9:00pm
Mountain View Caltrain Station
600 W Evelyn Ave Mountain View, CA 94041 United States
Geoffrey Nelson-Blake ·

Will you come?

$360.00 Seat on the Bus - Macher
This ticket level fully covers the cost of one participant and enables us to offer lower-priced tickets to other volunteers. Your bubbe would be proud!
$180.00 Seat on the Bus - Mensch
This ticket level covers the full cost of the trip for one participant.
$36.00 Seat on the Bus - Basic
Available to any who can join at this level, including students and seniors.